Forum Guidelines
We are very happy to welcome you to our official Trivia Crack 2 Forum!
We hope you enjoy your time here and you get involved in exciting conversations. Accessing the forum or using it in any way, qualifies you as a user.
Please bear in mind that you may have accepted and activated cookies and other similar technologies to access your forum account. This change may also affect other applications or settings in your mobile device or computer. For more information regarding cookies, visit our Privacy Policy. If you disagree, please refrain from using our forum.
This forum will allow users to freely communicate and share content. Our aim is to encourage interesting discussions and exchanges. You may use the forum to share your experiences, transmit your knowledge and clear your doubts. At the same time, you will have the chance to offer suggestions and comments, as well as become familiar with the opinions of other users regarding features and themes related to our games. However, it is vital that you follow some rules that will help every user to have a better experience. Therefore, before you dive in, please take a moment to review some rules of conduct that We have developed in order to get the best out of the forum.
These Guidelines, together with the Privacy Policy and the Terms and Conditions (all together referred to as the Terms), explain the type of behavior that We are expecting from our users here, and shall rule your participation in the forum.
We may change the Terms from time to time. Consider that, by continuing to use the forum, you are agreeing to the revised Terms.
When accessing or using the forum, you may find fervent users stating their points of view, which may differ from yours. Please, keep calm and try not to easily take offense. Treating others kindly and respectfully is a key rule that will help you comply with the rest of the Guidelines. Remember to write in the corresponding language and try to share clear and comprehensible content while staying on topic. Multiple or repeated posting of the same thread or topic is not allowed.
Please, do not use the forum for any prohibited, dishonest, immoral or illegal activity, including, without limitation:
Ø To share spam.
Ø To transmit viruses, malware, or any other harmful code.
Ø To be rude or to name and shame.
Ø To engage in harassing or bullying behavior.
Ø To transmit hate speech or insulting content, or to support hateful activities. This includes uploading or sharing content that promotes or normalizes violence against individuals or groups based on race or ethnic origin, religion, disability, gender, age, nationality, veteran status, or sexual orientation.
Ø To advocate violence, to share inflammatory posts or to otherwise distribute graphically violent materials or personal attacks.
Ø To post inappropriate, sexual, vulgar, discriminatory or offensive language, such as simulated, insinuated and abbreviated swearing.
Ø To distribute content that includes nudity, graphic sex acts or sexually explicit material.
Ø To promote, to engage or to make others engage in illegal, dangerous or fraudulent activities.
Ø To post links that direct to illegal activities such as drug selling or weapons smuggling.
Ø To create accounts using subdomains which include names and trade names of other businesses, organizations or individuals.
Ø To access or use the account of another individual without their permission.
Ø To use more than an account or to make fake accounts.
Ø To post any fake, false or inaccurate information.
Ø To deliberately and/or maliciously spread false information about us, about our games or about our employees, or to claim to speak on our behalf.
Ø To publicly discuss any actions We may take or to share any emails or messages We may send you.
Ø To modify the information or the content We post.
Ø To post content or threads that has already been trashed or closed.
Ø To illegally disseminate private information, such as posting other people's phone numbers, addresses or pictures.
Ø To post any sensible information that should not be publicly shared.
Ø To intentionally or unintentionally infringe or violate any proprietary right or any other right of any person or entity.
Ø To share any content prohibited by any international or national law.
Ø To troll, to post deliberately provocative or insincere posts, or to use click-bait titles.
Take into account that by participating in the forum, you expressly represent that you agree with the Terms.
We make no representations or warranties regarding the way in which users may use the forum and, therefore, We shall not assume any liability arising of the content or of the material that may be shared or linked in the forum. You represent to understand that the posts from other users are not official and that We may not control them. Consequently, you shall not consider them as accurate or as advice to follow. If you have doubts about an opinion expressed in the forum, we recommend you contact us.
Remember that this is a family friendly forum. However, to access and use the forum you must be of legal age as determined by your country or state of residence, as long as it is not less than 13 years of age. Therefore, We will work to create a good environment. Bear in mind that the decisions We may make are final in these matters and that We have full discretion to qualify any behavior as inappropriate and to take the measures We may consider, such as trashing or moving comments, or temporarily or definitely suspending and closing accounts.
In the event you breach any of the Terms, We reserve the right to claim you the damages that may legally correspond.
If any provision of the Terms is found to be unlawful or unenforceable, it shall not affect the enforceability of any other provisions.
In the event you become aware of any violation of the Terms, you may report such violation here.
Enjoy this amusing space and don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have questions or suggestions.
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