Normally, purchases are processed right away, but sometimes, they can take a little longer. If it takes a while for your purchase to be credited, it is being processed. Don't try to make it again; you're sure to receive what you've bought soon.
If it's been 24 hours since you made your purchase, and you still haven't received it, we recommend the following:
- If you are using an Android device, contact us directly here. We ask that in your message you include a screenshot or photo of your proof of payment, including details of:
- The item purchased.
- The date of purchase.
- The value of the purchase.
- Identification number of the transaction. It usually has the following format: GPA.1234-5678-9123-45678.
As soon as we receive the information, we will act so that the purchase is credited as soon as possible.
- If you are using an iOS device, you will need to contact Apple directly here, as the App Store processes payments directly, and we do not have access to their purchase database. We invite you to explain the situation to them so that they can help you resolve the issue.
For more information, we recommend our article: Where can I find my purchase history on my Android device? or Where can I find my purchase history on my iOS device?