To start a new game in Classic mode, you must select the orange Play Now! button on the main screen of the game. This will bring up another screen where you must select the Classic mode option. After this, you will be able to select the language of the game and the type of opponent:
- Language selection. To change it, select the gear icon at the top right of the screen. You will have to pay attention to the selected language, as you will not be able to change it once the game starts.
- Opponent. Opponents can be Friends or Random.
Once you have selected the language and type of opponent, you must select Play to start the game.
During your turn, you will have to collect as many characters as possible. To do this, you must correctly answer three questions from any category and then the crown question of your chosen character. You can also land on the crown space and automatically answer the question in exchange for a character.
The time to answer each question will be 20 seconds and you will have two days to play your turn.
The game will end when one of the players gets all six characters, but may end earlier if the turn is not played in time.
The game can be rejected before you enter it, which will not impact either player's stats.
For more information, we invite you to visit the following articles: How can I play with friends?, What is the Second Chance feature for?, What is the Duplicate Crowns feature for?, and What are power-ups and what are they for?